The apparent lack of understanding of the reciprocal relationship between debtors and creditors is more damaging. 对债务人和债权人之间互惠关系的明显缺乏理解,更加具有危害。
Thus there is an important reciprocal relationship between honesty and trust. 基于此,诚实与信任成为重要的互惠关系。
'The best theories owe their appeal to the fact that they acknowledge and seek to elucidate the reciprocal relationship of action and structure'. Discuss. 最好的理论之所以具有吸引力,是因为它承认并试图阐明行动和结构的互反关系。
Normally the processes of disorganization and organization may be thought of as in reciprocal relationship to each other. 一般情况下,解体与组结可看作是两个互补的过程。
The letter should introduce yourself, explain about your practice, and attempt to establish a reciprocal relationship. 信中应介绍自己,说明你的做法,并试图建立一个互惠的关系。
The reciprocal relationship between food and history seems obvious now, but when Reay Tannahill published a book on the subject in1973, she found she was first in the field. 现在看来,食物和历史相互影响的关系已很明显。但当雷。坦拿希尔在1973年出版了一部关于食物的著作时,她发现此前还从未有人写过类似的书。
The mathematial model of elasticity modulus expressed a reciprocal relationship to time. 弹性模量具时变性,与拉伸时间成倒数关系。
The reciprocal relationship between language curriculum and language test ── Design and implementation of TEM8 语言教学大纲与语言测试的衔接&TEM8的设计与实施
They regarded individual and society as a systematic entirety, which is of a healthy and reciprocal relationship between them. 他们把个人与社会看作一个有秩序的大整体,个人和社会之间是一种健康的互动关系。
Conclusion The reciprocal relationship between HO-1/ CO and NOS/ NO system in atherosclerosis may play the inhibitory role against atherosclerotic lesion. 结论动脉粥样硬化进程中,HO/CO和NOS/NO系统显示出互补及代偿性调节作用,血红素氧合酶系统有可能通过对NO和NOS的调节和代偿机制抑制AS病变的发展。
During Nan-song dynasty, dynasty, local authorities, folk society and Bao-sheng-da-di cult forms harmonious reciprocal relationship. 论文认为,南宋时期,王朝、地方官府、民间社会与保生大帝信仰形成一种和谐的互动;
The reciprocal relationship between the law and morality determines the inevitable outcome of the elementary legal courses to function for the purpose of moral education. 法律与道德的相辅相成性决定了法律基础课发挥道德教育功能的必然性。
This paper reviews the development of TEM8 tests in an attempt to look into the reciprocal relationship between language syllabus and language test. 本文通过回顾高等学校英语专业高年级阶段考试(TEM8)的设计与实施,探讨语言教学大纲与语言测试之间的互动关系。
The value of morality is elaborated in this paper in such perspectives as the status of culture's soul, an invisible hand in economic field, the reciprocal relationship between morality and law and so on. 本文从道德是文化的灵魂,道德是经济领域一只看不见的手,道德与法制互补,吏德是巩固政权的支点,道德是社会稳定的基石等视角阐述了道德的价值;
The Integrated Management of Digital Library is a brand new management mode, and its essence is to take shape a competitive reciprocal relationship between the independent elements in the library, in order to create the high efficiency in the running. 数字图书馆集成管理是一种全新的管理模式,它的实质是使图书馆系统内各个独立要素之间形成一种竞争性的互补关系,从而创造运行中的高效率。
Philosophy, religion and theology have their diversity and reciprocal relationship. I is presented. 哲学、宗教和神学之间具有多样性,它们之间具有互惠关系。
The reciprocal relationship is different in the history according to the protection of the benefit. 而在不同历史时期对利益保护不同产生互动的矛盾关系此消彼长的现象。
This paper aims to examine the concepts of "English hegemony" and "cultural imperialism" in terms of their respective manifestations, reciprocal relationship and impact on dominated languages and cultures. 本文对英语霸权与文化帝国主义进行了深入的探讨,阐述了它们的具体表现,相互之间的关系及其对弱势语言与文化的影响,分析了英语霸权与文化帝国主义的发展趋势。
The other is the credit mechanism based on reciprocal relationship. Comparing with long-time exchange, short-time market price takes care of volatility. 同长期交易相比,短期市场价格是根据波动性确定的。市场价格长期的潜在变动趋势是由环境变动产生的预期收益率变动的反映机制。
Antenna Impedance Formula Obtained From Hal len's Reciprocal Relationship 由Hallen互易关系给出的天线阻抗公式
The reciprocal relationship can be first revealed by what happened to Mary, the heroin in India. 这种关系首先通过小主人公玛丽在印度的遭遇得到揭示;
The idol is one kind of mingling reciprocal relationship against model. 偶像与榜样存在一种相互交融的关系。
In the ideal country, there would be a reciprocal relationship and harmony between individual and society. 个人与社会处于一种互惠的关系中,人在社会中的存在也臻于和谐。
Ergonomics, the study of human and other components of a reciprocal relationship, is designed to optimize the relationship between system efficiency and human and health happiness with the science and application of the theory, principles, data and methodology. 人机工程学是研究系统中人与其他组成部分的交互关系的一门科学,并运用其理论、原理、数据和方法进行设计,以优化系统的工效和人的健康幸福之间的关系。
The soil environments of Chinese fir plantation showed reciprocal cause-effects relationship with the soil microorganisms. 杉木人工林土壤环境与土壤微生物的兴衰有一定的互为因果关系。
The first conclusion is that there is a reciprocal causation relationship between Zhuang folk songs and socialization of individual. 第一个结论是,壮族山歌与人的社会化是互为因果的关系。
Hence, the globalization and labor standards form a very complex and reciprocal relationship. 因此,全球化与劳工标准之间构成了错综复杂的交互性关系。
Should pay attention, some indicators there is a reciprocal relationship between, so in practice should be based on the characteristics of the enterprise and supply chain grasp the strategy for the implementation of dynamics, to ensure the optimization of supply chain performance. 应注意的是,有些指标之间存在着此消彼长的关系,因而在实践中应根据企业和供应链的特点把握各策略的实施力度,以保证供应链整体绩效的最优化。
Long-term oppression turns them into grotesques. They fantasize about building a reciprocal relationship with men, but the reality just crushes their dream. 长期的压抑使她们变成畸人。她们幻想能和男性建立互利的两性关系,然而现实是残酷的。
Both foreign and domestic researchers have taken part in the discussion about the relationship between tourism development and the economic growth, focus on weather tourism expansion leads to economic growth, or economic growth drives tourism development, or there exists reciprocal relationship between the two variables. 关于旅游业发展与经济增长之间的关系,是旅游业促进经济增长,还是经济推动旅游的发展,或者是旅游与经济发展相互促进,国内外研究者展开了热烈的讨论。